
"Seriously? That's crazy. The folks around here are so tight with their money."

Mike stared incredulously at the pair in front of him. His head was covered in make-shift bandages made from ripped shirts and the gash on his arm was concealed in a similar manner.

He expressed his disbelief towards the polices' actions to take back the money.

"Well... then again... I guess it's normal for people in the uppertown to do this right? I mean... at least you guys weren't in the capital. Things would be crazy."

Lukas looked down, the memories of 'that' place were returning to him. It was a good thing he decided to leave. His father's face was everywhere in that place. It wouldn't be a joke to call him a celebrity. He shook his head. All that was in the past. He focused on the others' conversation.

"That reminds me, why did they stop chasing us? It's just a forest right? They could surround the exits with police cars to catch us too." Tingting tilted her head, confused. Mike looked shocked.

"You don't know? This forest connects to an entrance to downtown. Well, since it does, the rich guys wouldn't want to dirty themselves by passing through here right?"

"Then what about the thugs? Surely they wouldn't care about something like that?"

"Those guys from before were probably caught by the police chasing after you. They came up from downtown to make extra cash. Guess it backfired in the end huh." Tingting made an 'oh' sound and fiddled with a piece of grass absentmindedly.

"Oh yeah, were you bullied into listening them or..." Tingting looked up at Mike worriedly but he only laughed in response.

"They caught me and forced me to be their lackey. I didn't really care too much to be honest. That was until I realised what I was giving to people. I'm from overseas you see. Over there, this sort of thing is everywhere."

The conversation ended again and all was quiet excluding the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves. Mike looked curiously at Lukas and Tingting's hair. Lukas caught him looking at them making Mike scratch his nose in embarrassment.

"What?" Lukas didn't put any effort into making his voice friendly. In fact, he held quite a grudge to this unknown boy who he had to drag at the expense of his muscles.

"It's just... For you two to be together... with the same hair colour... Are you guys siblings?" Mike spoke hesitantly. Frankly, the cold, hard look in Lukas's eye frightened him.



Silence again.

"That's right, you said you were living together but you're not siblings... Did you run from home?! what about your parents?"

"Mine kicked me out."

"My parents... they're probably worried but I keep in contact with them on a telephone so it's ok." Tingting looked down at her hands as she said that. The boys couldn't tell if she was lying or not.

"What about yours?" Unexpectedly, Lukas asked about Mike's own circumstances. Surely after staying out for one whole night, his parents would be very worried. Mike smiled wryly.

"My parents divorced. My mother had family living here so she took me with her. Her relatives didn't want her to live with them and we had no choice to live in downtown. Afterwards, she fell into depression and killed herself. Even though she left me behind, I didn't feel too sad. In fact, I think I was more relieved. She always looked so tired, so haggard. Though I was still given all her love, she didn't deserve to live like that. I like to think of it as if she was freed."

"Oh..." The air turned awkward. Lukas didn't know what to say as he wasn't used to comforting other peop- other males.

"Enough about that. Shall we go?" Mike rose to his feet and winced in pain. His abdomen was severely bruised and Tingting was worried that he might have broken something.

"D'you guys have a knife?"

Lukas took out a pen-knife from his pocket and showed it to Mike.

"Good. You'll need it for later. Trust me. You do not want to go to that place without a weapon."

"Do we really have to walk through here? It's creepy. Can't we walk on the road?" Tingting complained as she wore her trainers and combed through her hair.

"Trust me, it's much safer in here." Mike had a serious expression on his face. Tingting sighed and stood up.

They set off at last.

They quickly made their way through the thickets and groves before reaching an opening.

"We're finally here. I've got a place in mind. Just follow me and don't look around too much."

Mike beckoned them over and stepped out of the forest. The other two followed his lead and what they saw made them freeze in shock.