
"You found where he lives?"

A low thin voice sounded behind a chair in the study. The walls were decorated with finely engraved shelves and the desk was made out of an expensive-looking material. The room was lit with a couple of lamps which shone warmly in the small room. In the middle, sat the voice's owner, his back turned to whom he spoke to.

"Yes master. No.6 followed him and his cohorts back home yesterday."

"Well done. Proceed with the plan. I don't have to tell you everything do I?" The voice turned condescending, he obviously looked down on the people he hired.

"...No master. We shall do as you wish."

The man left the room, slamming the door behind him. This move of his did not offend the person in the chair. In fact, it only made him chuckle. These little things did not matter to him anymore. After all, he was bound to be the ruler of the Capital after everything ended.

Slowly, Liu Qing's lips curled upwards in a sneer.

"Goodbye, 'brother'."


Days went by without incident. Yu Jing came and went every few days. A couch was finally added to Lukas's room and he even began painting again.

He didn't let the others know about this though.

His artwork consisted of nothing but portraits of granny Xiu. He visited her almost every day just so he could get her to model for her.

Today, Tingting was going to go out with Yu Jing to look after Old Lady Xiu. The boys, Lukas and Mike, were left to look after the house and tend to the front garden.

It was in need of major attention.

After a few minutes of plucking overgrown weed and scaring crows away, the boys made plans to go into the market - they hadn't been there for days.

As they walked, Lukas's neck hairs stood on its ends.

Lately, whenever he went out, he couldn't shake off the feeling that there was somebody watching him.

Maybe he was getting too paranoid.

He decided to check with Mike.

"Have you guys seen anybody following us lately?"

Mike pondered deeply, deluding Lukas into actually thinking of getting a proper answer.

"Must be a girl. She's fallen in love with my good looks."

"...Shouldn't have asked."

"Hey! What does that mean?!"




The market was bustling as usual. Lukas sat on a bench and waited for Mike to get more candles and fruits.

In his boredom, he imagined the difficulties Mike would face once the stall-owner from the previous incident recognised him.

While he smirked at Mike's possible hardships, a dark, hooded figure sneaked up behind an unsuspecting Lukas and reached out a rough bare hand to grab him.

The hooded man let out a stunned yell as Lukas turned sharply and held his arm in place.

"I've got you. Who are you?"

He twisted the man's arm back. He grunted in pain.

Lukas's gaze dropped to the man's pocket. Something with a distinct shape sat in his left pocket.

He carried a gun yet he didn't shoot Lukas. Was his aim to observe or kidnap him?

Lukas didn't have more time to find out.

The man was not weak enough to let such a young child tackle him. He easily got loose of Lukas's grip and soon, Lukas's head went smashing into the gravel.

Bits of stone flew everywhere from the incredible force and Lukas's mind blanked out for a while before it registered the throbbing pain in the side of his head.

"You little-" His words were cut short as the man kicked him in the stomach.

Lukas was left gasping for air and hissed with pain, unwilling to scream out. His pride wouldn't bend for even this.

The man grabbed a fistful of Lukas's hair and snapped his head back, the strength behind the pull was so strong, Lukas had to bite the insides of his mouth to keep the cry in.

Any form of retaliation was rendered useless by the man's superior strength.

Lukas was dragged helplessly in this way before a shout from afar jolted him into action again. He struggled with the man and kicked aimlessly behind him. Anything was okay as long as he could buy some time.

He was successful.


Mike, with his astounding speed, had caught up to the pair and unleashed a torrent of heavy-fisted punches at the kidnapper's face.

Prioritising his own safety, the attacker let go of Lukas on reflex and shielded his face. Lukas stumbled away and clutched at his head. The throbbing had become worse.

Bearing with the pain, he dragged the furious Mike who'd forced the stranger to the ground away from him and stomped on the stranger's head himself, crushing it with the sole of his shoe. The assailant cried out in agony but Lukas only exerted more strength into his leg. Only after the man screamed no more did Lukas lift his leg. By the end of the boys' onslaught, the assailant lay on the ground in a bloody mess. His face was unrecognisable and his head oozed a sticky substance.

Mike took one glance at the cruelty and looked away. His focus was on his good friend's face. The side of his face was badly hurt and tiny droplets of blood trickled from the numerous cuts. He placed his hands tentatively on the sides of Lukas's face and drew him closer to himself.

"Does it hurt?" His soft eyes bore into Lukas's, the sincerity evident in those clear round orbs.

Lukas drew back from his hold and answered, "Not really." His tone was softer than usual. In truth, the moment he saw Mike from afar, his heart filled with hope. If he hadn't come in time, would he have reverted to his old ways?

"Good. Let's go home."

"Wait," Lukas reached for the man's side pocket and took the pistol. "Now we have two." As he stood up, a tearing pain shot through him. Lukas stifled a groan and clutched at his stomach. Mike noticed immediately.

He pulled Lukas's arms away from his stomach and flipped his shirt up. He gasped at the horrid sight.

There, on what should have been a pale white surface, were blemishes of dark purple. Wordlessly, Mike stomped hard with the heel of his trainers on the man's abdomen.

"Enough," Lukas held out an arm to stop him. "Let's go home."

Mike said nothing. He supported Lukas and they made their way home slowly.


*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

The man who had long arisen looked at his phone wearily. Having no other option, he answered it.

"How did you do?"

The man hesitated. He could lie and do his duty later instead. But would he find out? The long pause had already told Liu Qing enough.

"I see."

The call ended.


After a tiring hike back to the mansion, Lukas went to clean himself up. Mike helped him up the stairs and busied himself with preparing dinner.

Lukas came out of the bathroom and headed straight for his room. He groaned as he lay on the couch.

He held an impromptu ice-pack tightly to the side of his head. His stomach, as he observed whilst looking at himself in a mirror, was bruised black and blue. The sight made him grimace.

He lay still for a while, the quiet lulling him to sleep.

A sudden buzzing noise woke him.

It was his phone vibrating in his pocket.

He picked it up tiredly and answered,


The voice on the other side was breathless and she spoke in high-pitched alarmed tones.

"Come over quickly! Granny is suffering a relapse!"

The phone clattered to the floor.

Lukas's face was a picture of horror.
