A Calm Day

Days went by as usual.

The library was being used as the current hang-out area. With its wide space and abundance of natural light, it was perfect.

The three lounged in there on a dazzlingly bright morning.

All was silent.

Lukas indulged himself in a book while Tingting enjoyed a aromatic cup of tea.

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap*

A sole tapped continuously on the wooden floor. Its owner fidgeted with the nails on his hand, chewing them until nothing was left.

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap* *Tap* *Tap* *Tap*

The tapping continued.

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap* *Tap* *Tap* *Tap* *Tap* *Tap*

And continued...


His eyebrows furrowed and a prominent scowl fixed upon his face, Lukas slammed his book shut.

"...Is there a problem?" A threatening voice assaulted Mike who was guilty of creating a disturbance in the trio's peace.

"I'm bored."



Tingting set her teacup down onto a small coffee table.

"Why not read something? Or perhaps make yourself something to eat?"

"Don't wanna." Mike shook his head childishly, unapologetic for his actions.

Tingting shook her head in exasperation and hummed in thought.

"How about we go out shopping? For furniture and stuff."

Lukas's head jerked up and he nodded in fervant agreement.

Lukas was suffering from back pains from lying on the rigid floor every night. He couldn't really sleep either. He kept having a feeling that something was going to crawl out of the floorboards when he was off guard and attack him in his sleep. It happened once already. He woke up to find himself staring eye to eye with a fat, juicy cockroach.


He nearly shrieked.


But he was a man. And men don't shriek because of cockroaches. There was a difference. Screaming was fine, but shrieking? Never. Well, he certainly didn't. It was needless to say that he intended to dispose of the thing but by the time he prepared his heart to touch it, it had already scurried off to who-knows-where. His sleepless nights were spent thinking about the whereabouts of the bug.

"Great! We can get Yu Jing to join us. He doesn't have tutoring today."

Mike was on his feet as soon as they had decided what to do.


"Let's go!"

Tingting was anxious to get new clothing. The only ones she had were black, leather or something uncomfortable. How nice would it be to sleep in pajamas again... She also needed to purchase some dye, blankets, curtains, cushions...


Without the cover of the vast greenery above them, the trio had no other choice to endure under the blazing sun.

They decided to walk on the main road this time. It was a long day ahead of them and they didn't want to get tired.

It seemed it was pointless to do so...

Yu Jing met them at the clothing store. His glasses were gone for the day, replaced by what Lukas assumed to be contact lenses. He wore a white-shirt under baby blue overalls looking quite cute.

He was a ball of energy as he ran about the store excitedly pointing out this and that for them to purchase.

There was a reason they brought him along. Their funds were running low. Drastically low.

He was, essentially, their life-line. A willing money-bag. A walking credit card. Call it whatever you will. He paid for everything.

Of course, they wouldn't always rely on Yu Jing. They'd have to go out stealing again. It would be hard, but they had to try. Of course, when they did, they wouldn't bring Yu Jing with them. He wasn't like them. He still had to go to school and get a proper education. The disappointment his parents would feel if they'd known he was hanging out with kids like them...

Well actually, they were delighted. They had spent a night with them for dinner and they had continuously expressed their gratefulness. Anyway, Yu Jing would not be coming with them.

The plan was to have Tingting pretend to faint in the road and when a stranger (hopefully) goes up to help her, she would tackle them onto the ground and steal their money. She'd pass the money to Lukas and get to safety. Lukas will run into a shop where Mike will be waiting. Mike will take the money and walk out of the shop calmly. Lukas will change into a new set of clothes and go back alone. This way, it would be harder for the victim to catch them. Hopefully.

It was the best idea they could think of. Although, they might have to assign the tackling role to Lukas instead if the target proves to be too much for Tingting to handle.

The four of them went to all the shops they could possibly visit and purchased as much as they could hold.

They stopped at a cafe to rest.

It was quite a cosy cafe which held the relaxing scent of coffee in the air. Added to the enticing sweet-smelling treats on the side, the place gave off a comfortable vibe.

Lukas sank into a cushioned chair and reveled in its softness. Something he hadn't felt in a long, long time. Oh, the memories...

He observed his surroundings impassively while the others discussed whether they wanted a beverage or not.

At first, his eyes simply swept over the plain interior of the cafe but something suspicious captured his attention. Before he could make out what was so strange, the figure moved and vanished from his sight.

From what he could remember, the figure wore a black duffle coat and a matching pair of gloves. Maybe that's why he thought it strange. Was he not sweltering under such attire?


His focus returned to the silly group in front of him. What others wore shouldn't concern him.

"Bro, get the chocolate cake, ok?" Mike's loud voice shocked Lukas into replying immediately without thought.


"My Lord, are you sure? You'll have to partake in his little scheme to taste two types of treats you know?" Yu Jing piped in with evident concern for his Lord.

"What? Do you mean... we're going to share?..."

Lukas's face changed and an indescribable expression attached itself onto him. Sharing. As in the thing girls enjoyed doing? He refused to partake in such an embarrassing affair.

"Bro, why do you look funny?"

"That... It's... disgusting?"

"?! I'm hurt! It's not disgusting at all! Yu Jing doesn't want to do it with me and neither does li'l sis. You're the only one left! Please!"

"...Fine." Lukas relented.

Mike smacked Lukas's back merrily and went to get the desserts.

They ended up sharing a strawberry cake and a chocolate cake together. Mike happily ate from Lukas's plate, not holding back at all. Too tempted by the tasty treats to even care anymore, Lukas did the same. Both unwittingly smiled in pure bliss.

Two gangster-like boys sharing sweets between them… This painted quite an interesting picture.

Tingting hid a giggle under the pretense of coughing whereas Yu Jing grinned at the humorous sight.

They ended up leaving the shop with a sugary taste in their mouths. Bidding farewell to Yu Jing, Tingting, Mike and Lukas left for home, treading carefully through the dark with their heavy baggage.

The moonlight dimmed, failing to illuminate everything on the land. The world was blanketed in the silk of the night. Shadows, both long and wide, hid in the covers of the night. And though there was not a single gust in the night sky, the rustling of leaves never ceased to stop.

The soft hooting of the night owls resounded in the inky darkness. The biting cold dug into the children. A low sneeze was drowned out by the owls' solemn song.

The night is fleeting.

The sun would rise.

A new day will come.

What joys will tomorrow bring?