Unreasonable Demands

The short journey to the House of Swords' stronghold was as smooth as it was uncomfortable.

They ran the whole way, with Brightblade repeatedly urging Master Kallias to move faster. Any attempts he made at forced friendliness were curtly dismissed, with Brightblade treating him like a servant rather than an equal, much less a superior.

Soon, the man's face was locked in a hostile grimace, and if he hadn't known they were Grandmaster Solin's guests, Arran had little doubt that he would have attacked Brightblade. Even now, it seemed like he might not be able to restrain himself.

Yet after the first quarter hour, Arran stopped worrying.

Bizarre though Brightblade's behavior was, it was clear that it was intentional. He did not know her purpose in provoking the Master, but after half a year of traveling with her, he trusted her judgment — she was often brash, but never careless.