Show of Power

Grandmaster Solin raised an eyebrow at Brightblade's challenge. "You wish to spar against me?" A moment later, a smile appeared on his face. "Very well! Having seen your students' skill, I look forward to seeing their teacher's accomplishments."

Brightblade gave him a nod, and without any further words, both walked onto the training field. They faced each other, then drew their swords.

Grandmaster Solin was the first to attack.

With a sudden dash, he surged forward, moving so fast that Arran could only barely see his movements. His sword struck a dozen times in quick succession, each strike hitting with a speed and precision that left Arran breathless. The display of swordsmanship was beyond anything he had ever seen.

He had known a Grandmaster of the House of Swords would be skilled, but this was far beyond his expectations.