Brightblade's Background

"Wake up!"

It took Arran a few moments to gather his wits. When he opened his eyes, he saw that dusk was only barely beginning to fall. Yet although only a few hours could have passed, he felt as if he had spent an entire night fast asleep.

Brightblade was standing next to the hot spring, looking at him with a raised eyebrow. "You shouldn't sleep in there," she said. "You could drown."

Arran responded with an annoyed glare. A moment earlier, he'd been immersed in dreams of treasures and palaces, and being pulled back into the real world so suddenly was far from pleasant.

Yet Brightblade had no sympathy to spare. "Put on some clothes," she said. "We have matters to discuss, and little time."

As she turned around and walked away, Arran let out a deep yawn, then stretched out his body. He really did feel as if he had slept an entire night — perhaps even several.