Brightblade's Challenge

The hall fell silent at Brightblade's words. The gathered Elders had already been shocked at her identity, and now she had openly challenged not just one but three of them.

And not just any three, Arran knew. There could be no doubt that these were among the most influential Elders within the Valley. Otherwise, they would not have dared provoke the Matriarch so openly — not even if her position was weaker than it should be.

The bald Elder looked at Brightblade uncomfortably. Just moments earlier, he had behaved as if he was the Elders' ruler, but now, his scarred face had gone slightly pale.

"Lady Dao," he said in a fearful tone, "you intend to challenge all three of us to duels?" He sighed regretfully. "There is no need to go that far. This matter is a simple misunderstanding. As teachers, we were too slow in recognizing our apprentices' misdeeds."