An Obstacle

Despite Brightblade's warnings about the mountains' dangers, the first few hours of their journey were uneventful. Aside from the oppressive weight of Essence that surrounded them, the mountains seemed both beautiful and peaceful, with numerous small valleys that were filled with shrubs and trees.

It wasn't at all what Arran had expected. After Brightblade's tales, he'd expected a barren wasteland, filled with vicious monsters. But instead, what he found were pristine landscapes, untouched by human hands.

There was life, too — squirrels and goats, mostly, as well as birds of prey that could be seen soaring through the sky far above them. But of any monsters, there was no sign.

They paused for a meal at midday — dried meat and fruits, since they could not use Essence to build a fire — and as they sat down, Brightblade looked at Arran with an amused expression.

"You almost seem disappointed," she said.