To Leave A Dying World

The journey through the Shadow Realm proved as dull as it was long.

While the first few weeks had Arran gazing upon the ruined landscape with wide-eyed wonder, he soon found that all it offered were variations on a single theme. There were barren plains, barren wastes, and barren hills, all of them pitch-black, covered in a thick layer of Shadow Essence.

The only traces of life left in the world were sparse, stunted growths that only barely qualified as plants, along with a rough kind of moss that covered some of the rocks strewn about the lands.

And even that sad excuse for vegetation served little purpose, as there were no animals to feed on it. There were no goats among the rocks, nor birds in the sky. In weeks of travel, Arran encountered not even a single insect.

It seemed that the only living creatures that remained in the world were the Remnants, and whether those were truly alive, Arran did not know.