Hidden Treasure

Arran found Karanos's quarters exactly as they had left them, sparsely furnished and lacking even the most basic comforts.

The sober surroundings offered a stark contrast with the man's past as the merchant-king of a famously wealthy city. All his efforts in building Amydon to be a haven of prosperity had come to naught — the city had fallen, and Karanos himself had been forced to take shelter in a place where wealth was meaningless.

And finally, the mage had remained behind in the Shadow Realm, there to make a last sacrifice that none but Arran would ever know about.

As he considered Karanos's fate, Arran could not help but wonder if the man's life would have been happier within the Empire.

It would have been shorter without magic, but more peaceful as well. And although Karanos wouldn't have accomplished as much without the longevity of magic, he wouldn't have seen all his achievements fall to ruin, either.