Thieves And Robbers

As they came closer to the battlefield, Arran could Sense that the violent pressure of unbound Essence was increasing. And even here, still a week's worth of travel from the center of the battlefield, he could already feel the glow of Essence on his skin.

It was no longer a mere tingle. Instead, it felt like the heat of campfire on a cold night, warming his skin in a manner that would have been pleasant had he not known its source.

But since he knew the origin of the glow, he could not help but be alarmed.

For Essence to have this effect at such a distance, the battlefield proper would have to be raging with it. And although he was prepared to face a situation like the one in Uvar, his resistance to Essence still had its limits.

Negin could feel the pressure increasing as well, and she looked at Arran uncomfortably.