The Road To Esran

Arran traveled to Esran at a steady but relaxed pace, practicing the Forms while he made his way toward the border.

He would continue his training in the Hunters' lands, but it might be a long time before he got several weeks of uninterrupted practice. So while he still had the chance, he made good use of the drudgery of travel.

The training went much as he'd expected.

His real goal was not just to learn the Forms, but to gain the insights that were buried deep within them. And from the insight he had discovered within Master Zhao's sword style, he knew that would be no simple matter.

And so, instead of trying to rush things, he spent the weeks it took to reach the border merely familiarizing himself with the Forms he'd chosen to learn. There were just over a hundred of those, and as he traveled, he repeated them until he could perform each without even the slightest effort.