To The Mines

"Your Lordship," Captain Kaleesh said, eyes fixed on the ground as he remained on his knees before Lord Kadun. "I did not intend to cause you trouble."

"But you did," the Lord said. "Explain yourself."

The captain remained silent for a moment, and when he finally spoke, it was in a soft voice. "Your Lordship, their attack was a clear provocation. To let such a thing go unanswered would have tarnished your honor in the eyes of the world."

"Is that so?" Some amusement sounded in Lord Kadun's voice. "And what would an outsider like you know about that?"

"Your Lordship," Captain Kaleesh said again, his voice firmer now. "I know little of the Imperium and its customs, but I do know battle. To let an insult like this go unpunished would merely invite more of the same. Only strength demands respect, and with your power, none should dare insult you."

At this, the Lord let out a loud laugh. "Hear that, Payam? Even this outsider thinks you're a coward."