A New Plan

Over the next few days, as they waited for their wounded to heal and the Ranger to return, groups of Darian soldiers and merchants continued to arrive in the small village.

There were some uncomfortable looks when the newcomers realized that the ones in charge of the village were outsiders, but none dared object.

Outsiders or not, that Kaleesh and his troops had defeated the Blightspawn was undeniable. Hundreds of giant bodies proved that fact. And to those Darians who still had doubts, Arjun explained in unsubtle terms that bad behavior would not be tolerated.

And so, even as the village filled to the point of bursting, the mood remained peaceful. Or, at least, mostly peaceful — with hundreds of young soldiers packed into a small village, the occasional scuffles and brawls were unavoidable.

Arran saw little of this, however.