
Arran's brow was furrowed in a deep frown as he swung his sword, and that frown grew deeper still when he saw the minor imperfection in the movement. The flaw was small enough that only a master swordsman would recognize it — no more than the hint of a tremble in his hand — but to Arran, it almost felt like having his own body rebel against him.

He'd stepped into the Desolation half an hour earlier, and after the initial shock of having his power suppressed wore off, he'd immediately set to work on studying the Desolation's effects.

His magic had been the first thing he tested. After all, he relied on magic to hide his most dangerous secrets, and if he was unable to maintain the concealments that shielded his void Ring and his Shadow Essence from discovery, he would have no choice but to leave the Desolation.

That concern, at least, had turned out to be unfounded.