"Wake up! Don't you die on me now!" I yelled, while giving Evie small electric shocks.
"That's enough, I think she's waking up now" Amy said.
"W-what happened to me?"
"You passed out. I had to give you a small shock to wake you, so there's a chance you may feel slightly mor energetic than normal"
"Eh, I'll get used to it. After all, you have done it to me before"
Any was examining some data she had collected on her computer when temperature began to rise suddenly, causing Evie and Amy to both stand and face the door, looking as if they were ready to attack.
"What is it?" I asked
They both looked round at me and said "fire clan"
"Oh, you've got to be kidding me"
The door flew of its hinges as the fire clan engulfed the lab entrance in flames. Five of them flew in and attacked from the air. The other three attacked on the ground.
"Amy, protect the data!" I yelled.
"Right! You two take the ones in the air!"
Evie turned to me and asked a question. One that I hadn't heard for a while.
"Fancy using a combo attack on these assholes?"
"Uhh... yeah, we can try"
We placed one arm forward each, making sure our arms were in contact with the other. We then charged up an attack, merging the two elements.
"Now... Release! She yelled.
A void blast infused with lightning energy raced towards the intruders. As they began to scatter themselves to avoid the attack, the blast fragmented and tracked each intruder, knocking them unconscious upon impact.
"Look out!" Evie said, as she flew towards me.
I turned around to see a large blast of fire heading towards me. Unfortunately, Evie was too late to push me out of the way. The blast hit me and sent me plummeting to the floor.
When I awoke, history had once again repeated itself. Beside me were a pair of severed, burnt legs. These however, did not belong to anyone else. I looked to where my legs would be, only to see nothing but blood in their place.