Another Small Incident

Jam, after taking a second to fully digest what transpired, took a deep breath and helped Rina get out of the ruins that were once her home. He helped restore her house with what little he understood of some minor Daos. His Dao of Earth restored the crater she had created back to a level floor. While Daos of Metal and Wood restored the house, not to its previous state since Jam didn't really know what he was doing, but at least it resembles a house and some technicians from the Academy could come fix what was left.

If Rina's house were a refined artifact, Jam could easily guarantee a complete restoration; alas that wasn't the case. He did his best for the current circumstances and promptly bid Rina farewell. Staying any longer and his figure might manifest a hole from all the glaring he received from her.

Jam followed Rina's directions and soon stood before Arnold's house. It was easy to identify as it was the only pure white house for kilometers. Jam knocked on the door and waited a couple seconds before Arnold showed up and invited him in.

Jam was treated to some snacks while he discussed the reason for his visit today. He took out a near transparent white pill and said "Looks like you'll be getting your arm back sooner than you thought."

Jam flicked the pill at Arnold, who caught it without a struggle, and said "Though, you'll probably want me to help you expedite the process as I just recently learned a cool trick~"

Arnold who had the totality of his focus on the Tier 7 Regeneration pill before him, was startled when a red mist-like haze engulfed him and sent his blood into a joyous cheering session. Just coming into contact with a Blood Dao Domain would be beneficial to one's cultivation if the caster wished it to be so.

Having Arnold regrow his arm with and without a Blood Dao Domain would see a difference even greater than Heaven and Earth. Not only would the process be hundreds of times faster, Arnold would even see his new arm behave like his old, original, arm; with no needless trouble relearning to use his arm.

Arnold didn't even know how to express himself at this moment. All the things Jam had done for him… He didn't have much he could offer in return aside from his loyalty and friendship, so he just added this favor to the list of countless pieces of help Jam had already thrown his way and refrained from making unnecessary comments.

However, in an effort to diffuse the tension from this most awkward position he had just been put under, getting a super expensive pill that he just so needed at the moment as well as for Jam to use his Blood Dao Domain on him, Arnold without thinking too much said "You even have a Blood Dao Domain? Che! Are you sure your superpower is Cosmic Control?"

'Shit…' Jam laughed his fleeting comment off as a joke, but internally he, as well as Tzatziki, were crapping their pants. It was a good thing that all of the Daos Jam majored in were in someway related to celestial energies. His biggest cover of all, the Stellar Dao Domain, hid away his real superpower quite nicely, but sooner or later with the countless other Daos Jam would master, he'd have to go the extra mile to obscure the truth…

"Hahaha… let's get you back to normal..." Jam actively brought Arnold out of that topic and had him eat the Regeneration Pill. Almost instantly, the effects of the consummate-level Tier 7 pill were realized as Arnold's whole body started glowing with herbal essence and the stump on his his startled wriggling and itching with signs of regeneration.

Jam wasted no time in stimulating the healing effects of Arnold's body as well as the Tier 7 Regeneration Pill with his Blood Dao Domain. He was already comfortable with working on Arnold's body so he chose to be daring and experimented with his devilish massage technique.

Jam was going for an advanced move set now that he could capture his target within a Blood Dao Domain and was no longer restricted to working on target's back. While his Blood Dao Domain worked internally to put Arnold's healing capabilities on overdrive, Jam's hands infused with direct Blood Dao insights, further hasted the process of recovery as they poked and prodded Arnold's shoulder and growing arm.

Knowing Arnold's limit, Jam stayed within the acceptable range for pleasure, lest he make his friend a lust driven slave. And after mere minutes of blood induced super-recovery an infantile arm was already completely developed on Arnold's body.

This odd alien-looking structure made Arnold cringe as he couldn't come to terms with that abomination being his arm, but that all changed as the minutes turned to hours and his arm took on increasingly more human-like appearances. His new arm grew at a rate perceivable by the mortal eye, so it didn't take long for a perfect second iteration of his previous arm replaced to air that had accompanied him for eight years — or one month in experienced time.

With the recovered arm, came a happy Arnold that danced around the room like a jubilant monkey as Jam lay wasted of his soul strength and feeling like he could die at any moment. It finally sunk in how demanding that devilish massaging technique was on his soul and energy use, as even with his virtually infinite supply of both energy and soul strength, it almost completely drained him to spend an hour on Arnold's healing arm.

Well, at least the result was worth his effort, as he had managed to reconstruct a truly perfect arm for his friend. It was so perfect, in fact, that Arnold would for years to come find many benefits originate from this regrown arm of his; benefits not only to his cultivation, but to his strength.

Jam tagged himself with several dozen soul nourishing talismans, the same he used on Rina back at her place, and cursed his god-like aptitude. If only his soul wasn't so strong and stable… He wouldn't need to waste so many "precious" resources just to recover. And as he complained in his heart, his endlessly patient teacher rejoiced the fact that those perfect Tier 5 Talismans would actually see some use out of Jam before he went on to replace them all with Tier 7 counterparts…

After feeling his soul rejuvenated, Jam got up from the floor and asked "Say, you want to do some light sparring to get that arm used to combat?" Jam didn't have much of anything planned out for the next eleven or so days, so he figured he might as well get some light exercise and get back in fighting form with Arnold.

"You already know it~" Who was he kidding? Arnold would happily fight just for the sake of fighting…

However, as he two moved on to find a suitable place for some "light sparring," two woodland critters began an all out assault, in complete defiance of being left out. A tiny black owl began furiously pecking at Arnold while an equally aggressive noodle constricted on Jam's arm.

For a split second Jam and Arnold locked eyes, and both thought the same thing 'Ugh… fine, you can come too...' They agreed to let their tamed beast join in on the sparring and their group of four left Arnold's house.

Five minutes later, the group arrived at one of the sparring rings suitable for Sages at the Teaching Department. They chose only the most "basic" sparring ring for Sages, the one that would hold out against Lesser Sages, as they weren't about to have a deathmatch; just some light sparring. Even Danger Noodle would limit herself to using at most, her max power as a Saint God, when fighting with Owly.

Jam put on his armor even if it wasn't necessary out of respect for his friend and the two began to slowly pick up a battle. At first it was just the most basic of basic possible sparring sessions; comparable to that of mortal experts. But as saint energy started being used and in increasing amounts, what was originally a "boring" fight morphed into something one could expect to see at a war.

Jam chose to restrict himself to match Arnold's set of Daos, improving his Martial, Darkness, and Light Daos. While Arnold reciprocated by not activating his Dao of Emotions. As a result, by the ten minute mark after their fight began and their "light sparring" was reaching its climax, shockwaves and bursts of saint energy so absurd kept spilling out of the sparring ring's formation that it caused hundreds of personnel from the academy — both elder and disciple alike — to arrive at the scene, thinking that they were under attack.

Even after confirming that the cataclysmic shockwaves Arnold and Jam were creating from their sparring wasn't an enemy attack, the people that arrived and should have told them to knock it off, or atleast move to another, more secure, sparring ring, couldn't help but stay back in horror, as Jam and Arnold had yet to finish displaying their limits.

It wasn't until a Sage Realm expert arrived at the scene and personally blocked both Jam and Arnold's attacks that those two psychos stopped to take a look at what they had done. The previously serene and tidy sparring ring was no more, its floors a mass of atrophied craters, its formations on the brink of collapse.

Jam and Arnold embarrassingly apologized for going too far, and were then further embarrassed to find their tamed beast companions looking at them like they were idiots.