Sinning His Way Through Cultivation

Jam allowed Danger Noodle to separate from his person and find her own opportunities within the challenge areas of the Core Nexus. He was about to begin another hellish training session and would rather not worry about anything aside from the task at hand. Danger Noodle gave her master a parting face rub before flying away.

Before leaving, Jam had given her a space ring with enough Tier 6 and Tier 7 herbs to last an inscriptionist several lifetimes, but given her strength as a Sage, the acquisition of demonic beast blood was still up to her. For some reason, Jam had just never really thought of giving Danger Noodle a space ring, only recently giving her one as per her request.

There were many times in the past where her having her own space ring or similar storage artifact could have helped, and since her dumb master either kept forgetting or never bothered thinking of the topic, Danger Noodle had brought it up.

Danger Noodle flew away with the intention of making a breakthrough with either her skill in Inscriptions or with the cultivation of her subtype thunders. Jam however, wasn't planning on making a breakthrough in his Daos anytime soon. He had already decided to improve his body cultivation before anything else. And for his next phase in body refining, extreme measures would be taken all in the name of haste.

Jam flew into the challenge area of the Core Nexus and flew around for hours. Since he wasn't in the tunnel that lead to center, the area he could explore was countless times larger than what he had seen before. Just crossing the first, most weak, area of Saint Lords and Saint Gods took over five hours.

Thereafter, upon reaching a crossroads that split off into several "diverse" biomes, Jam literally walked passed what looked to be the end/edge of the desert world and into an area of space. There he could feel the existence of several cosmic energies, but they were all too distant and fleeting for him to focus and travel up to the source of any which one.

In this area of space, "Level 2" of the Core Nexus, as Jam dubbed it, had been achieved. There, he could feel the existence of hostile Sages roaming all around him. He could only see the silhouette of Lesser and Greater Sages with his Detection Form, so he had a well founded confidence in being able to survive.

In this less than safe environment where golems, constructs, and demonic beasts all roamed with constant strife, Jam took out some of the special Scorching Marrow Pills he had concocted while under Latoya's watch and ate them… His body almost immediately started glowing red then white from the intensive medical fire lighting up within Jam's bones to temper his marrow.

If that wasn't enough, Jam pulled out all the stops to make this the fastest, yet most unbelievably painful, progression through the Marrow Realm the cultivation world had seen since time immemorial. He opened countless wounds on his body with his beams and let his old blood spill to make room for the new blood created by what would eventually become tempered marrow.

After going through the hallucination of infinite pain back during his training for the Bone Realm, both Jam and Tzatziki thought it would be an impossibility for Jam to once more feel pain from physical trauma. Alas, the boy genius always found a way to surpass what others considered to be hard limits. And in his current state, his body literally burning away its own bone marrow, bleeding profusely from thousands if not millions of cuts, it finally felt that new threshold Jam had previously built up, before promptly shattering it a dozen times over.

You see… Jam is what most would call insane. He didn't think he'd feel pain from anything ever again — at least not from physical damage — so he figured he might as well further expedite the process and train some in some Daos as his body continued to ascend into greater heights. Poor Jam voluntarily activated various Dao insights and aspects to make his life truly miserable.

He used his Space and Time Daos to use gravity to force the medicinal fire deeper into his marrow, to make its usefulness ever greater. He used some yang and fire aspects to further boost the strength and vitality of the scorching fire charring his bone marrow. And even his Blood Dao was used to stimulate the growth of new blood, while devouring the old…

At the moment, Jam could very well go mad from all the tension his body was holding within. In fact, it only took twenty or so minutes before he couldn't contain everything and the demon within him snapped. None of the processes his body was undergoing stopped, only the Demon Dao and his Lesser Demon Form were added on top.

And as a Demon with no control whatsoever, Jam smashed his body across several asteroids in space. He vented all the stress in his body with sheer violence as beams and arrows uncontrollably destroyed everything in his path. And eventually, a truly demonized Jam antagonized one of the Lesser Sages that claimed a piece of sovereignty within the space biome.

Jam's wave of destruction finally earned him a fight with one of the residents of the Core Nexus, but the results were less than exciting. It wasn't at all a close battle, there were no flashy exchange of energy attacks… Instead, it played out more like a one-sided massacre.

Jam held no control over his body as he moved with infinite malice; just like a real demon. All his moves served one and only one purpose; to kill. And with Divinity being in the hands of the demon that controlled Jam, a Lesser Sage might as well have been cannon fodder.

Jam looked like a dying demon with all the fire and blood constantly shooting off from his body, but the moment his hands touched the Lesser Sage construct, they just ripped it to shreds and then those shreds were blasted into particles of dust with demonic beams. All the demonic energy that came from the Lesser Sage wasn't even refined by Jam in his current state. He just consumed it as is and the demonic intent that fueled his out-of-control rampage just escalated.

In this fashion, a vagrant Jam uncontrollably roamed the space biome of the Core Nexus. His reckless mayhem never died down, in fact it actually increased as his demonic intent was fueled by the ever increasing amount of Sages being offered up after being killed. The situation only became worse as Jam's last conscious effort added on the continuous consumption of Scorching Marrow Pills until they stopped working; in other words, until he made a breakthrough.

Jam's current state could best be described as a sinning demon parading across the misfortunate. He had no control over his actions and everything he did just escalated his desire to see the world burn. His Demonic persona became more intelligent, more sinister. Where at first, it might have just crashed onto asteroids and ripped Sages to pieces bare handed, now it would cleverly stalk its prey as if it was a real demonic beast.

Jam's Martial Dao and Dao of Beams worked out of his control, playing to the tune of his inner demon. They morphed into a most savage Claw Dao, a Dao mind you, that Jam would definitely not even spare a single look if he were in his normal state of being. Interestingly enough, even as his mind and soul had effectively shut down due to him over stimulating them with torturous pain, his Demonic persona could still train and improve on his Dao Cultivation for him.

And even more interesting than that, given how much this demonized Jam loved using its draconic claws, the result of its perpetual massacres ended in an odd yield for Jam — when he came back to his normal state. As a "mindless" demon, Jam managed to train his Claw Dao up to the Dao Domain level and then some… Granted, he had seven other Daos at the Dao Domain level, but still. Reaching Dao Domain as a Saint in a new Dao after just over a week of constant training was a new achievement Jam — or his demon incarnate — had added onto his list of cultivation miracles.

In just a short ten days, Jam had terrorized the space biome of the Core Nexus to the point where most of its area was part of his domain. Other constructs, golems, and demonic beasts wouldn't dare intruded on his domain as he had proven time and time again how savage and beastly his strength triumphed over theirs.

Yes, in just ten short days, a little Saint Master shot across the space biome and created a mountain of corpses in its wake. Lesser Sages, Greater Sages, neither were safe, even in groups, and Jam upon waking up knew of it as his Demon incarnate didn't just vanish into the ether upon having its control taken away.

Instead, the demon became a representation of Jam's Demon Dao and carved out a little corner within Jam's soul to take residence. It was a little gift he had given himself as the demon had the special properties of the Dao cast and molded within its very foundation. Later, Jam would be able to actively summon this demon for himself to act with ill reputed brutality; a way to make the most out of destruction.