She's The One...

What Alexa was thinking happened, Prince Alexander couldn't control his desires any longer. Her lips were looking so kissable, and he felt that he had to have a taste. He cupped her face with his right hand then slowly kissed her, deeply and sweetly.

Alexa was speechless, unable even to think. Once she found her senses, her hand was swift...

*Pak!* She gave him a resounding slap on his face.

Prince Alexander was never hit by a woman in his entire life, or by anyone for that matter. His ears still rang from the slap he had just received from this little woman in front of him.

His first reaction was to retaliate; however, he realized that he was in the wrong.

"I'm sorry!" he suddenly blurted out. 'What the heck did I just say? Did I apologize? 'I need to stop drinking martinis this early in the day. It has to be the alcohol that is making me lose my senses'  He thought inwardly.

Alexa put her clothing back on fast and was about to leave the room, without an apology for slapping him in the face. It was the first slap he had ever received in his lifetime.

'No way! There's no way in hell I would let you get away after giving me the first slap in my life.' Prince Alexander was quick to grab Alexa's hand to stop her from leaving.

"Where do you think you're going, huh? You're not thinking about leaving right after giving me that wonderful first hit, are you?"

'What wonderful first hit? Don't tell me no one ever laid a hand on his face before, and I'm the first one?' Alexa thought to herself while taking a peek at her ex-boss' face.

He would be her ex-boss soon for what she just did.

"Let go of me, pervert! If you don't let go of me, I'll make sure to give you your second!" Alexa was clearly putting on airs, doing her best to intimidate him. However, deep inside, she was scared to death of what he would do to her.

"No way! Go ahead and give me my second one. Let's see if you don't get yours too!" he bantered with mischief sparkling in his eyes.

'So you want to play games. I will give you what you want.' Alexa tried her best to wiggle out of Prince Alexander's grip. She was in luck and was able to pull her hand out.

As soon as it was free, *Pak! Pak* then *POW! POW!* As if that wasn't enough, she twirled around and gave him a flying roundhouse kick.

*Thud!!!* Prince Alexander was flat on his butt with his mouth wide open, eyes bulging from shock.

"I warned you, you pervert! Don't mess with me unless your wish is to die by my hand." After Alexa gave her speech, she immediately stalked out of the door.

The representative and Pierre were coming in and ran into Alexa. She was mumbling curses at the prince to herself on the way out.

"Miss Grant, why are you dressed, and where are you going?" Pierre asked curiously, not knowing what had happened before they came in.

"Why I'm dressed and where I'm going is none of your damn business. Get out of my way, or you might get your fair share as well," Alexa replied with arrogance in her voice.

As she was about to leave, she turned around and faced Pierre.

"Oh, by the way, tell your pervert boss to shove this job up his princely ass." She walked away with her head held high and did not look back.


Pierre was dumbfounded. He started sweating.  He did not know how he was going to report to Prince Alexander that Miss Grant had left. "Oh! It's extremely hot here." He told the representative who was in the same situation as he was. The two were contemplating on what to do when Prince Alexander suddenly walked out of the room where Alexa was before.

  With one look at the Prince, and the assistant already knew what happened to him. This playboy Prince had probably tried his luck with Miss Grant, and it didn't go well. Now, they were out of candidates, and they did not have much time left to get a replacement.

Pierre sprinted down the hallway towards the direction where Alexa went. He needed to catch her. She was his only hope. Knowing the Prince's arrogant attitude, he would have to fly home soon if he did not get a replacement.

"Miss Grant! Miss Grant! Where are you? We need to talk." Pierre was yelling and running down the corridor.

Prince Alexander and Pierre sprinted after Alexa.

However, when they arrived at the area where she was supposed to be waiting for a cab, there was no one there who resembled her.

Alexa was long gone, and Prince Alexander was not pleased about it. "You better get her back here, or you might as well pack your belongings and fly back home," he told his assistant.

The assistant was sweating bullets. He thought it was hot earlier, but now, he was burning from the fire coming from Prince Alexander's heated gaze. 

"I'm on it, Your Highness," he replied as he bowed and then left immediately to start looking for Alexa.

Alexa was in the washroom washing her hands. She did not know that she was currently a wanted person by the Prince and his assistant. She took out her phone and texted her cousin to update her.

Alexa: [When I get home, I better not see you.]

Andrea: [What did I do now?]

Alexa: [You sent me to work for a pervert.]

Andrea: [What are you talking about? I did not send you to work for a pervert. Wait, what pervert are you talking about?]

Alexa: [Well, you did send me to one for employment, and I'm on my way home to kick your ass too!]

Andrea: [What do you mean to kick my ass too? Did you do something to her?]

Alexa: [What do you mean by "her"? It's a woman, not a man?]

Andrea: [What are you talking about? You're supposed to meet a woman, how did she become a man?]

Alexa finally understood, and she couldn't text anymore. She dialed her cousin's number so that they could hear each other's voices, and it was faster than typing messages.

"Hello! What are you talking about? Was I supposed to meet a female boss? I went to the room number that you gave me."

"What is the room number you entered?" Andrea asked as Alexa could hear the concern in her voice.

"It was the Penthouse; room 10009?"

"What? I said 10006, not 10009! Are you dyslexic? Did you transpose a number again?"

"Oh! Shit, I just went to the wrong room and kicked someone's ass. Hahaha! I'm in deep shit now."

She slowly made her way to the door of the washroom. She peeked outside to see if either one of the two were out there. "Phew!"

"Ok! I made a terrible mistake and ended up meeting a pervert. However, I took care of him by giving him a piece of my tigress side, so don't worry about me", Alexa told Andrea cheerfully so that she won't worry herself too much.

"Are you sure you're fine? The pervert wasn't able to do anything indecent to you, right?" Andrea in a worried tone. 

Alexa thought about what that man did to her. Was it indecent? Nah! What do I need to be ashamed of? I can't help it if he found me irresistible. Hahaha! She thought before replying to her cousin.

"Nah! He didn't have the chance to do anything indecent, and as I said, I kicked his butt. So, don't worry, OK? I'm going to hang up now. I will try and see if I can still go to the right person this time." She then hung the phone up after bidding her goodbyes.

'It's 10006 and not 10009. I better remember that.' Alexa made her way to the room.

As she was waiting by the elevator, Prince Alexander saw her and ran towards her. Just as he was about to reach her, the elevator opened, and she went in. He was unable to catch her.

Prince Alexander looked at the floor where the elevator stopped.  It was on the 10th floor.  That was the floor he was on. He ran sprinted as quickly as possible.  He ran as if the devil was chasing after him, to the private elevator assigned to his room. "Hahaha!" I got you now! Let's see if you can get away from me again." His laughter echoed through the lobby as he entered the elevator.

Once he arrived on the 10th floor, he started running instead of walking towards his room. He bumped into his assistant as he was about to reach his suite.

"Prince Alexander, I apologize, but she seems to have disappeared." Pierre couldn't stand still, afraid of Prince's wrath.

The smile and excitement suddenly faded away from his face. It changed from happiness to disappointment. "What do you mean Miss Grant disappeared? I just saw her enter the elevator, and it stopped on this floor. You mean to tell me you did not see her?"

Pierre was dumbfounded. He had been there all this time, so how could he have missed Alexa? Just as they were about to go back down to look for her one more time, they heard the sound of the elevator opening.


Prince Alexander and Pierre stood, rooted to the ground, waiting for the doors to open.

When the door opened, a middle-aged woman came out, and Miss Grand was following behind her. She was happily chatting away with a beautiful smile plastered on her face making her dimples visible.

Alexa stopped talking as soon as she saw the two men standing in the corridor. 'Oh, Shit! I'm so screwed now. What should I do? Should I turn around and leave, or should I take a chance and ignore them?' She was still debating as to what she should do and didn't realize that someone was right in front of her staring intensely.

"Hello! Miss Grant, I think you owe me an apology, don't you think so?" Prince Alexander grabbed her once again, but this time, his grip was tight, and she was unable to free herself.

"Please excuse us! We have a business to discuss." Prince Alexander told the middle-aged woman before moving to take Alexa towards his room.