Andrea Santos...

"You! Andrea! Where in the world have you been?" Alexa yelled as the door opened.

The person right in front of Alexa was her cousin Andrea who had been missing in action, and Alexa had been trying to contact her for a whole week without luck. 

" Your phone had been unreachable, and when I went to your house, Aunty told me you're on a business trip abroad. What's up with that?" Alexa was glaring at Andrea with anger as she scolded her for not calling her back.

"Give me a hug before you bombard me with questions!" Andrea pulled her cousin in an embrace. As she hugs Alexa, she looks over and realizes that a man is standing right behind Alexa. A very handsome man who looks perfect in his outfit.

Alexa, who is this hunk? Is he your newfound boyfriend?" Andrea was half kidding, but she was shocked to hear Alexa's reply. "What if he is my boyfriend? You got a problem with that!"

Alexa pulls out from Andrea's embrace. She pulls Ramon towards them. "Ramon, do you remember her? Andrea, my beautiful cousin, who had a crush on you back in elementary school?" She teases with a nervous laugh.

Ramon stretches his hand for a handshake, "Andrea, nice to see you again! You are still as beautiful as ever." He says with a sweet smile showing both of his dimples.

Andrea accepted Ramon's handshake. "Ramon!" she said in a shy voice. She was so taken by his looks that all she could utter was his name. She was checking him out that was for sure.

"We're about to go out and have dinner. Would you care to join us?" Ramon stated in a polite voice. Ramon was hoping and saying to himself. ' Please, don't accept. I want to be alone with Alexa.'

Andrea looks at the way her cousin was dressed to the nines, then at Ramon who was feeling uncomfortable by the minute after inviting her. "Unfortunately, I'm going to decline. I have an important meeting right now. I would if I could, but I am unable to go. Well, I need to go immediately, or I will be late!" She pushed the elevator button arrow going up.

Ramon's face lit up when he heard Andrea decline. He did not realize that it was visible, and Andrea saw it all.

Andrea secretly smiled before pulling Alexa into an embrace once again to whisper. "Girl, he cleaned up well, if I did not have a boyfriend right now, I will snag him out of your hand. Andrea started with a laugh. 

Alexa joined the laughter, and it made Ramon much more uneasy. He has a feeling that the two cousins were discussing him. He just stood there waiting for the two finished, so they could go to their dinner date.

The elevator door opened with a ding.

Andrea was running late, so she gave Alexa a quick peck on her cheek and bid her goodbye to Ramon before rushing to the elevator as it opened. "Enjoy your dinner! Make sure you order a lot, the most expensive one too. Ramon seems to be able to afford it." Andrea was shouting as she made her way to the opened elevator.

Andrea rushed in and did not realize that someone was coming out of the elevator as she was coming in. She bumped into the person. "Oh, my bad! Excuse me!" She said sarcastically.

The person was not happy at all, "Impertinent, how dare you bump into me, you Peasant!"

Andrea was not happy to be called Peasant. She was about to jump on the person when Alexa saw who it was, and her facial expression turned grim.

Ramon saw how Alexa's beautiful smiling face changed and thought, 'If only looks could kill, that person would have been dead on the spot."

Alexa's face changed, her teeth clenched, and her eyes turned cold as ice when she saw who was coming out of the elevator. She recognized him right away when he stepped out of the elevator. It was Pierre, the assistant of that pervert that had harassed her a week ago. She thought they had left a long time ago, but why was he here?

Alexa quickly turned and hid her face from Pierre, so he would not recognize her. She turned and faced Ramon and started a conversation. "So, where are we eating dinner? Would they let me in looking like this?" Alexa was asked in a smooth low tone of voice.

However, her voice was recognized by Pierre because he memorized the sound of her voice. Therefore, when he heard Alexa's very distinctive low voice, he turned around to see where the voice was coming from, and who it was speaking.

When he saw who it was, he was speechless and dumbfounded. He greeted Alexa, "Hello! We meet again! " These were the only words that Pierre could utter without showing how shocked he was.

She is of total beauty. If Prince Alexander could see her now, who knows what he would do to get her in his bed. He probably would do whatever it takes to get what he wants.

He was about to call the prince when Alexa snatched his phone off his hand angrily. "What do you think you're doing? Are you planning on calling that pervert boss of yours, right? Well, I won't let you!"

She then grabbed Ramon's hand, pulled him inside the elevator, and pushed the close button.

"Phew!" Alexa sighs while waiting for the elevator to go up. However, since they did not push any floor, the elevator did not go anywhere, and suddenly opened once again...

"Oh, sh*t! I am so screwed!" Alexa was hurriedly pushing all the buttons with numbers and then the door-close button once again.

"Hurry up and close! Stupid elevator!" Alexa anxiously pushed buttons and shouted while Ramon was standing at the far end corner of the elevator about to burst into laughter.