Making A Big Mistake...

"Hello! This is Lady Antella speaking, whom may I ask?" She said it loud and clear for Alexa and Ramon to hear. As if that was not enough, she put the phone on a speaker just as the other person was about to say something.

Prince Alexander saw what she did, grabbed the phone, and turned it off as fast as he could before Alexa was able to hear what the person on the other end of the line was saying.

"WTF!!!" She kicked Prince Alexander's knees, and then she tried to grab her phone out of his hands. The effort was worthless, Prince Alexander is a head taller than Lady Antella, and she could not reach the phone at all when he raised his hand high up onto the sky.

She forgot that she was a Lady and swore like a truck driver. You f*cking assh*le, you SOB give me my phone back, or I will make you pay.

"You want your phone? I'll give it back to you, but you need to promise me that you will fly back tonight and not meet her in person." Prince Alexander needed to get rid of her for his plan to work.

"In your dreams, ASSH*LE, no matter what it takes, I'm going to meet Alexa Grant even if I have to turn the whole Country upside down.!" Lady Antella declared with a stern look on her face.

Alexa's head shot up when she heard her name. She looked at Ramon and leaned towards his neck and ears. "She just mentioned my name, right? I heard it correct; she mentioned my name. Right?" She repeated it a little louder this time.

Lady Antella heard Alexa's last word and turned around to look at her...

OH, SH*T! Me and my big mouth." Lady Antella was cursing herself while giving Alexa an intense look. 

Lady Antella knew she made a big mistake. She should have listened when Prince Alexander had warned her earlier. Now it was too late to make amends for what she said. The person in front of her was the main reason she showed up in the Philippines. She wanted to meet the illustrious Alexa Grant, who had given Prince Alexander many firsts in his life.

"Miss Grant, my name is Lady Antella, and I had an appointment to meet with you today, which somehow got canceled for an unknown reason. Nice to finally meet you!" She stretches her hand towards Alexa for a handshake.

"You are Miss Alexa Grant. Right?" Lady Antella put on her sweetest smile.

Prince Alexander had a big half-smile plastered on his face. She knew what Lady Antella was thinking of doing, and he was overjoyed seeing Antella sweating bullets. "If you listened to me, you would not be in this predicament right now. I told you before, she's a tigress and now you are on her blacklist!" He laughed and teased her as he whispered in her ear.

Alexa eyes were shooting daggers and bullets between the two. One is the pervert who wants nothing but to get into her panties, and the other one, for some odd reason, wanted to meet her. For what? "

Lady Antella gave the Prince a look that could kill before giving her full attention back to Alexa, who was staring at her with contempt.

"Yes! That is my name. I would appreciate it if you don't wear it out by repeating over and over." Alexa replied, sarcastically, and uninterested.

Lady Antella knew that she was in trouble by the way Alexa replied. However, she did not come to the Philippines to stop. Even the cold, stern stare from Alexa that was saying you are dead meat did not scare her away. She had seen lots of stares worse than the look she was giving now.

The elevator finally stopped. "Phew!" Lady Antella sighs of relief when the door of the elevator once again opened. The air inside was too thick, and the atmosphere was awkward for all four of them.

The two handsome men, Prince Alexander, and Ramon were seizing each other up. They were checking to see who was better suited. Both were tall and handsome. Each man had a distinct personality that separates one from the other.

Ramon was a gentleman, but he had masculine features that any woman would die for. While Prince Alexander was rich, elegant but had a playboy aura emitting from all over him. Unfortunately, neither of those attributes mattered to Alexa. She had no interest in any relationship whatsoever. What was important to her was her dream to become a famous model and a beauty queen in the future.

"This is our floor. Let us go," Ramon informs Alexa who looks like a tigress ready to take a bite out of the beautiful lady in front of them.

Prince Alexander and Lady Antella looked at each other, and Lady Antella asked herself 'What do I do now?' She was baffled.

Prince Alexander said to himself, 'Bitch me!' While his two hands were up in the air.

Alexa saw the whole thing and figured out that she was the main topic of their mind discussion, and her naughty side started stirring. She hooked her arms into Ramon's, and she rested her head to his chest then looked at him straight in his eyes before sweetly saying…

Alexa could not hold back her naughtiness and decided to pretend to be Roman's girlfriend in front of the two spectators. She hooked her slender arms through Ramon's, rested her head onto his chest, and then she looked straight into his eyes and said.

" We are here honey, so what are we going to do tonight darling?..." Alexa licked her lips seductively while peeking a glance at the two, "hmmm...I feel so hot, cannot wait for us to go to our room and have some fun."

Alexa secretly peeked to see if the two were listening and paying attention. After observing that they were, it made her more determined to continue with the charade...