Don't Leave Me, Please!

Alexa was whimpering so hard, and it was breaking Ramon's heart. He was bewildered and was wondering what he could do. He eased himself toward the floor with great care, and once his knees touched the floor. He put Alexa down.

He was about to get up to grab some pillows and a blanket when Alexa suddenly reached out and held on to his arms still asleep. "Don't leave me, please! I don't want to be alone..." She muttered while still sobbing with eyes closed.

Ramon was contemplating what he was going to do while Alexa was gripping his arms so tight as if it was a matter of life or death.

He did not have much of a choice but to sit down on the floor and comfort Alexa. "I am not going anywhere, do not worry alright? Sleep, I will be here when you wake up." He told Alexa who started to breathe evenly after his soothing words.

Ramon was in deep thought about Alexa's situation. How is he going to introduce her to his family as his fiancée without being looked down upon? Ramon never thought that far ahead when he decided that Alexa was the one he had always wanted to marry and no one else... Knowing how high and mighty his mother and relatives were, he started to worry about how he was going to achieve his goal...


Meanwhile, outside the house, Pierre and Greta were trying to peek inside the home from the window that was left open. However, there was no one in the small space that looked like a living room. Pierre could see a silhouette inside the room, but he could not tell if it was that man or Alexa.

"Greta, what do you think they are doing right now? Why are they in the room when they should be looking for her grandmother?" Pierre was asking Greta with curiosity, who was too busy recording the whole place, so she could show it to Lady Antella.

Greta did not pay any attention to Pierre whatsoever. She was busy moving her cell phone camera from left to right and from right to left to get a good view of the whole place while shaking her head in disbelief.

"Gosh! Is this a home or a cubicle? The whole house was the size of a small storage area that Lady Antella used to keep the gifts that she did not like. Poor girl, how can a person survive living in a place like this?" She was muttering to herself as she recorded everything including her comments.

The two did not notice that a police officer, who was patrolling, had seen them. He first blew his whistle to alert them before he shouted, "Hey! You two! w-w-what are you doing?" While pointing his little baton at Pierre and Greta.

"The people living in this home are poor. There is nothing to steal so go away!" He wanted them to leave on their own without him using force or weapons. 

Pierre explained what they were doing and apologized profusely for disturbing the peace. He grabbed ahold of Greta and ushered her to leave, so they would not alert the neighbors and start rumors. 

The officer was satisfied with Pierre's explanation, and he continued with patrolling around the area.

As soon as Pierre and Greta were back in the safety of the car, Pierre let out a sigh of relief. "That was close. Let us go back to the hotel and report. What do you think?" He anxiously asked Greta.

When Greta refused to reply. Pierre ordered the driver to take them back to the hotel, so they could report everything to Prince Alexander and Lady Antella. He hoped that they could do something to help find Alexa's grandmother... He was also wondering what happened to Alexa's grandmother...


Back at the wedding venue of Ann and Jeff, Prince Alexander was not enjoying himself at all, not even the slightest bit. First, he was forced to attend the wedding of two people he did not know or had ever met. Secondly, Lady Antella kicked his butt just because he made a pass at the beautiful bride. Lastly, his father the king ordered him to return to Stonasia without delay, or they would drag him back dead or alive.

Prince Alexander decided he was going to sneak out and go back to the hotel. The only problem was how he was going to get out of the island... Just as he was about to call Pierre, he saw three people about to get on board the boat to leave the Island.

'Hmmm, this is my chance, should I ask for a ride or not?' Alexander decided to ask for a ride..

Prince Alexander called out to the people. "Excuse me? Hello! Hello! Are you guys going back to the city?" He asked with the sweetest smile he could come up with, showing his incredibly breath-taking smile.

Komalika, Adleena, and Poziomoweic all looked up at the same time to see who was speaking.

When Komalika saw the handsome playboy prince, she put on a very alluring smile before answering. "What if we are, what is it to you?"

Poziomoweic was not happy at all that an intruder was about to hitchhike with them. Especially an excellent looking intruder... He was not that stupid, why would he ask if they are going back to the city? It is not because he wants to ride with them. He did not like that idea at all...

Adleena, on the other hand, was tired and could care less about Prince Alexander. All she cared about was getting on board the boat, so they could go back to the city before they missed their flight that was going to take off in an hour.

"Are you guys coming or what?" She snarled at Komalika and Poziomoweic, unable to hold it any longer.

" We are Coming!" Komalika hurriedly got on board the boat followed by Poziomoweic.

"Are you coming or what?" Komalika shouted at Prince Alexander who was still contemplating unsure if they would let him hitchhike…