Facing reality

The plane landed at Washington DC International Airport without a hitch. After that little turbulence, everything went smooth, and they reached the destination without hassle. Since they were seating in the Business class, they were the first to embark the plane.

While everyone was preparing to embark, Alexa continued seating quietly in deep thought. The investigator saw that she's in a trans, she seems to be contemplating and hesitating to get up.

"Miss Grant, we have arrived. Are you ready? I could give you a moment to get situated if you needed time?" The investigator asked her kindly.

Alexa seems to be so far away, and she didn't' hear a word that the investigator said. She just continued looking outside the window of the airplane without saying a word.

"Miss Grant!" The investigator was repeatedly calling her attention.

"Huh?" Alexa turned her attention to the investigator and shyly smiled.