Dinner at the White House [Part-4]

Alexa was sprawled to the ground, knocked out. Ria first tried to wake her up without success, she then tried lifting her to the bed, but it's full of clothes, and Alexa's a little heavy for her to carry. She had no choice but to ask for help from the two muscular men outside the door.

Logan and Lucas ran inside the room when they heard Ria's voice calling for help. What they saw stunned them, and they were unable to move from where they stood at the threshold of the room.

Logan was the first one who found his bearing...-"What happened? Why is Miss Grant knocked out on the floor? What did you do?" He bombarded her with a question while his eyebrows almost touch each other.

"It wasn't my fault if you must know! She startled me, and In an impulse, I end up hitting her in her guts and turn knocking her out cold." She explains it apologetically with sadness in her eyes that look like she's about to cry.