All you can eat Adobo

Everyone's eye was on Alexa waiting to see what she's going to do. When she hasn't made a move after a minute or so, Jane Si had to instigate to get Alexa to do something that would embarrass her. "What is not enough? Her let me help Aunty." Jane Si took another serving spoon and scooped a significant portion of the pork adobo and also waited to see what Alexa's going to do. "Is this enough?" With a sly smile on her face.

President Grant and Daniel know what's going on and both were ready to intervene when... Alexa decided to play along with First Lady Dianne and Jane Si.

Alexa picked up her plate and let both the First Lady and Jane Si served her a hefty portion of pork adobo. Once it was all on her plate overflowing, "thank you! May I have some more rice too. I can't eat all this without rice, it's greasy and salty." she asked nicely as sweet as she could be.