Going Crazy Thinking About Her...

Ramon woke up with a throbbing headache. It was so bad that he could not even open his eyes. He looked around at his surroundings only to realize that he was laying down on the cold hard floor of his room.

'Fudge! How did I end up sleeping here?"

He saw an empty bottle of liquor next to him, and then everything became clear to him. Once again, Alexa's image started flooding his mind, "Ahhh!!!!" He shouted so loud that his mother heard him all the way down the hall in the parlor where she was having her morning tea.

He shut his eyes, trying to get rid of Alexa's image, but he could not. When that didn't work, he decided to get up. However, he could barely get up from where he had passed out the night before.

He was still groggy, and once he opened his eyes, memories of Alexa came flooding back into his mind. He did not know what to do. He shut his eyes and thought of a way to get rid of her memory.