She's Related To Someone Higher Up.

Alexa was still shaking Ann's hand with vigor, and Ann thought it was humorous. "Alright! You don't have to get so excited, and I am not a celebrity now. Yes, I used to be famous for a while, but I am married and retired now, and as you can see, I'm also pregnant. She laughed at Alexa's antics!"

"Oh, I'm sorry! It is just that It is the first time in my whole life that I met a VIP, and from the Philippines as well." She laughed a nervous laugh, and Alexa tried to calm herself down while she pulled her hand away and tucked it behind her back.

Ann liked Alexa. She was also younger, but she liked her personality. "By the way, are you under the protection of Logan and Lucas? That would mean that you are someone important to have bodyguards." Ann asked with a curiosity and a pleasant smile plastered on her face to make Alexa feel at ease to speak.