Please, Forgive Me!

Everyone at the gathering was dumbfounded concerning the sight they were witnessing. Alexa Grant had just beat up and flipped Prince Alex to the ground while glaring at him with smoke coming out of her nostrils; The Prince Alexander of the Kingdom of Stonasia for that matter. The most shocked people were President Grant, First Lady Dianne, Daniel, and of course, Jane Si.

Everyone from the IAMAC group thought that what they had just witnessed was hilarious. They couldn't believe what their eyes were seeing, especially Lea who saw the boisterous one of them all.

"Way to go, girl! That's how you put the man in his position, laying on his ass on the ground. Hahaha!" Lea shouted from the background.

Ann had to pinch Lea's side to stop her continuing what she was saying. "Stop it! Remember where we are right now, alright?"