Meet my Boyfriend.

First Lady Dianne excused herself that the heat was too much and she has a massive headache and needed to rest. She asked Lady Lucy and Jane Si to accompanies her so they could speak in private.

Lady Lucy asked Ramon if he would like to accompany them, but he declined to want to stay where he could be around Alexa. Lady Lucy didn't push him, knowing how he feels about Alexa Grant. She put her hand onto Ramon's shoulder on the way out and tapped it. "Good luck! Go get her!" She whispered.

Once they had left, Ramon was left by himself feeling out of place with no one to speak with. He was contemplating whether he should join where Alexa was or where Daniel Grant and Prince Alexander was seating. While he was still undecided, President Grant came over and sat opposite him. "Hello! Young man! What your name?"

Ramon was speechless, and he was not prepared for the President himself to come and join him and spoke to him. "R-R-Ramon Le Grand Sir! Mr. President, Sir!"