What is the Truth?

When the Emergency Care Unit came, Grandmother Santos was given the first aid right away. The paramedic quickly checked Grandma Santos airway, breathing, and circulation. Once that was done, they see if she has any spinal injury, before putting her in the recovery position, which is lying face up.

The paramedic turned Grandma Santos face toward him, to check if she's breathing. He then tilted Grandma's head back to allow the air to move freely in and out of her mouth.

Once it's verified that she's breathing fine, he signals the other paramedic to bring the stretcher so they could transfer Grandmother Santos to a nearby hospital for further examination.

Suddenly Grandmother Santos awakens and becomes restless and agitated. However, she can't seem to utter a word. No matter how much she tries, there was no sound whatsoever. The paramedic gently restrains her while the other paramedic prepared to sedate her, afraid that she might end up with heart attack if she continued.