Tsunami had Landed

Alexa wakes up the next day, unsure of what had happened the night before? She remembers Grandmother Santos had passed out and taken to the Hospital, and she wanted to go. Then she was knocked out by someone, 'who?' she wonders for she was out for a whole day and night.

As soon as she fully opened her eyes and regained her senses, the first thing she wanted to do was to go to the Hospital. She looked around to see if Ria's about, but she's nowhere around.

'She's probably getting my breakfast, and I should go and take a shower first, that way I will be ready by the time she comes back.' She thought as she got out of the bed; still, a little light headed but, in a good mood.

Alexa was humming a beautiful song while taking a shower, thinking that she would be seeing her beloved Grandmother very soon. Unbeckoned to her, that she temporarily restrains from going anywhere, mainly to visit Grandmother Santos at the Hospital. She would quickly find out!