Friend, Foe or Lover?

Dr. Garcia walked back to the party in the garden with a frown planted on his face. He did not know how he would approach Daniel Grant and ask for permission to 'borrow' his younger sister to have a private conversation with some man.

He was walking so slow and absentmindedly that he almost collided with a server who had a tray of food in his hands. Luckily the server had quick reflexes that he was able to turn away quickly enough.

"I'm sorry, sir! Didn't mean to run into you on purpose." The server apologetically said.

"Watch where you are going!" Dr. Garcia scolded the server before continuing towards his destination, still unsure of what to do and how to entice Alexa to meet with the Prince.

Everyone turned towards Dr. Garcia's direction when they heard his voice shouting loudly at someone. Ms. Garcia got up and went to meet him halfway to ask what was going on.