Dinner At The Palace-2

Prince Alex arrived with a smug look plastered on his handsome face. 'If I can get out of this damned party on time, it would be the happiest day of my life.' he thought as he walked in, just in time to see the love of his life being whisked away by none other than... "That Bitch!" He exclaimed.

The palace guard and his bodyguard who was following behind him heard it loud and clear; they all stopped following him long enough to take it all in. Once they found their bearing, they continued following Prince Alex, who was rushing to catch up with Lady Antella taking his princess away.

Lady Antella saw Prince Alex coming from miles away, and she quickly ushered Alexa inside a private room where only the young ladies were allowed. Therefore, he was not allowed to enter where the ladies were hanging out while waiting for dinner to be ready.

Prine Alex was stopped right at the door before he was able to catch up, and he was not happy about it at all.