Family Bonding

President Grant makes good with his words. In less than an hour, his entourage arrived with a celebratory Champagne and a basket of fruits and a wide grin on his face as soon as he saw his two children.

When Alexa saw her father come in, she ran so fast and gave him a very tight embrace. "I missed you so much! When was it the last time you visited us a year ago?" Alexa complains and acting like a child with a pouted mouth.

"Hahaha! You sure know how to make this old-man feel bad, don't you? I missed you too! My Princess. I know, it had been a while..., but we could never be careful, Especially now that Presidential election coming soon. Remember our deal?" President Grant asked while giving his daughter lite kiss on her forehead.

Daniel decided to intervene, "Enough of that, I thought dad is here to congratulate me, why is he hugging your first?" He teases President Grant and Alexa, whose still embracing each other.