Kiss Me! "Like This?!"

Dr. Garcia was in a hot spot at the moment. Everyone's attention was on him, waiting for his reply. He did not want CEO Go to have the wrong impression of him thinking he is unreasonable. Therefore, he put on the sweetest smile he could conjure, then looked at Chrissy. 

"Dear, if you have promised Ms. Grant, then you should keep your promise. I would go back to the hotel first and wait for you there." He then gave her a peck on her lips before saying his goodbyes to everyone.

Once he was out of earshot, "Whoa! That was a close one...!" Alexa said as she went to embrace her mother.

"Alright! Let's all go back inside and have a meeting. This is a critical matter and needs everyone's input." Sophia announced as she turned to go back inside the Parlor.