Dinner With Love-1

Chrissy took a quick shower to freshen herself up and to give herself a moment to reflect on what had just happened. She stayed inside the bathroom for a while until she calmed down and could reason. Once she was done and ready to face Dr. Garcia, she put her best smile and walked out of the bathroom... Only to find the living room area empty.

She quickly looked around to see where Dr. Garcia might be, but there's no one in the room. She thought of the bedroom and dash to see if she might only overlook as she passed by... Empty!

Chrissy's heart started to beat rapidly, like crazy. *Thud, thud, thud...* "Where could he went?" She mumbles in panic. Suddenly a piece of paper caught the corner of her eyes. It's laying on top of the bed. She dashed to read it... It was a note from Dr. Garcia, a lengthy one too.

Chrissy slumped down to the bed and began reading. [the content of the note for later chapter]