Missing you

Prince Alexander was seating in front of the King's advisor playing with his favorite pen that was given to him by the king himself when his phone started buzzing. He took a quick look at the callers and saw that it was Alexa. "Gentlemen, please! Excuse me for a moment, and it's private and urgent." He quickly got up and slid the green button on the screen while grinning from ear to ear.

"I miss you! I wasn't able to sleep thinking about you, but it seems you already forgotten about me?" Was the first word he heard and his heart was fluttering like a butterfly.

"Sweetheart... You don't know how much I missed you. If I could only get out of here right now, I would be in a first flight out. I had tried and tried calling you as soon as I arrived, but it seems your pretty busy, so I bid my time and waited for you to return my call." He tries his best to explain and let her know that he did call.