Rest In Peace

Alexa was seating, reading a book when she received a call from Daniel. From the sound of his voice, she could already tell- It was official- The First Lady of the United States of America had passed away. Alexa had to go back for the funeral whether she likes it or not,

"Father wanted to send a private plane to pick you up, but it would take longer. Therefore, I took the liberty to ask your cousin's husband, CEO Go, to lend us his private plane. It's all arranged from that side to take you and Andrea back here. Your flight is early in the morning." Daniel told her with a solemn-looking face.

"You didn't have to do that. I could have made the arrangements myself. But, since you have already made an effort, thank you!" Alexa wanted to bid him goodbye, but she could see the pain in his eyes. It was breaking her heart to pieces.