She's Doom!

Jane Si still mumbling to herself as she went back to sit with her mother while in deep thought of how she could get rid of Alexa. She needed to find out what's going on, and she would do that right after her aunt Dianne's funeral. 

Andrea's brows raised from hearing what Jane Si had said. "This girl is asking for punishment, does she knows that Alexa is your sister?" Andrea whispered into Daniels, ear not wanting to let Jane Si hear their conversation.

"No, only us knows the truth about our relationship, Dad's advisor told him not to divulge it yet until after he secures his second term. But, if it's up to me... I want the world to know now and not later." Daniel said with sadness in his eyes.

Andrea, with an understanding gaze, leaned on Daniel's shoulders, and give him a peck on his cheek. " Don't worry about it. Everything will be alright. He will win for sure, and he would be able to announce it to the world soon."