Prince And Bodyguard

The night before:

Princess Angelica knew her brother's way with women. There were several occasion in the past when the woman he had done evil deed came to her crying for help. Therefore, when he came back late at night and whistling the whole way to his room. Princess Angelica knew that he had conquered another one. She wonders who could it be that made her brother so happy.

While she was thinking of who could it be? She decided to find out for she would not be able to sleep until she knows for sure that is not who she thinks it is.  She quickly got up and pun on her robe and went out of her room to look for Crown Prince Romano's bodyguard. 

Princess Angelica found the man sleeping on the sofa in the mini living room of the suite they were occupying. "Hey! Wake up! I need to speak with you!" She shook the sleeping bodyguard without care. The man who's worn out and tired looked at her with crazy eyes shooting dagger.