Chapter 211

President Grant and Grandmother Grant arrived at the resort.  They were quickly ushered to their seats, for the wedding was about to begin.  Daniel came to greet his father and grandmother before going back to the podium to wait for his bride.

Andrea's parents went got up and went to greet President Grant.  "Hello, Mr. President, I'm Andrea's father, and this is my wife." So said Mr. Santos, full of respect to the man that soon to be his in-law.

President Grant smiled kindly before shaking hands with Mr. and Mrs. Santos.  "Nice to have finally met the both of you, he said with kindness in his eyes.  Grandmother Grant got up as well and hugged Mrs. Santos, then shakes hand with Mr. Santos.  "Nice to meet both of you as well.  You have a kind and lovely daughter.  Thank you for raising her well."