Once Night With Her Prince-3

Pierre let out a sigh first, before preparing himself to get a beating from Prince Alexander.  However, he would have his say, no matter what happens.  How is he going to face Alexa Grant when they do go and see her.  

"Your Highness, please let me remind you of the reason we are here.  I don't think your fiancee would be happy if she finds out that you had brought a hooker in your room.  Please, get rid of her as soon as possible."  He then went down on his knees to beg.

Prince Alexander was lost.  He couldn't understand what Pierre meant by a hooker.  It's the second time he mentioned that word, and now he's on his knees, begging him to get rid of Alexa.  'What is going on here?' He thought while looking at Pierre, still kneeling.

"Pierre, would you get up, please!  Come and sit with me."  He then went towards the sofa and sat down.  Pierre follows.