Thanksgiving In The White House-2

Alexa couldn't help but worry as they walked towards her room. She knows deep in her heart that there's something wrong.  Her father couldn't act to save his life.  It must be her mama, and she could be sick again.  She decided to confront Sophia once they arrived in her room.

"Aunty Sophia, is my mother sick again?  Is that why my father was rushing to go to her?  I'm not blind, you know.  Also, I know him very well. So' spit it out, aunty, don't worry... I can handle it.  I'm a big girl now."  Alexa whispered so no one else would know.

Sophia was feeling but that she's keeping it a secret from her niece.  She was tempted to tell her everything.  However, she remembered how Chrissy looked when she asked not to make her daughter sad.  She decided against it and lied to her arse out.