Love Each Other

Alexa, Prince Alexander, and Chrissy all looked at the same time and were stunned when they heard President Grant said those words.  "I now pronounce you husband and wife." They didn't know that he came back just in time after Alexa finished her vows to Prince Alexander.

"Congratulation!" President Grant told the couple and hugged Alexa before giving her a light kiss on her forehead. After doing that, he then went to Prince Alexander and shook his hands before patting him on his shoulder. "Welcome to the family, you Highness!" He said with a wide grin on his face.

"Thank you, sir!" Prince Alexander replied with an equal grin on his face as he shakes President Grant's hands.

Chrissy tries to get up so she could hug the two, but instead... Alexa and Prince Alexander came to her, and both embraced her. Tears were flowing down Chrissy's face as she gives her motherly advice to the two.