Bring Your Parents And Will Talk...

Once crown Prince Alexander stepped out of the parlor... With her high and mighty posture, the Queen spoke to Alexa with the aura of the mighty Queen. She thinks that Alexa is a pushover and a little mouse. Wrong! 

"Don't feel smug because you have him wrapped around your thumb. I don't know your reason for asking him to leave. Whatever it is, you can forget about it, for I have no time to spare with the likes of you." She then prepares herself to get up as she calls for her assistant.

"Let's get out of here! Another minute in the same vicinity as this garbage might suffocate me. Let's go!" Said the Queen as she waited for her assistant to help her up.

The Devil in Alexa wanted to come out so badly, but she held her ground. For the love of her life's sake... She tried to speak to the Queen calmly and come to an agreement regarding her relationship with Crown Prince Alexander.