I Now Pronounce You... Husband And Wife!

Crown Prince Alexander and Alexa stood right in front of the King and Queen. The Queen was speechless while the King had a smile plastered on his face.

They curtsied before the ruler and the kingdom's queen mother before they turned around to face the crowd. Crown Prince Alexander spoke.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for attending our wedding. We apologize to everyone for surprising all of you with our decision to take this opportunity to go ahead and have our wedding.

"We only wanted a small wedding with only our most trusted advisors and families. We figured that we expected us to have a lavish wedding, but we would rather have a simple wedding and all the money we would save to give to the needy around the world.

"Don't think that we will let you all off lightly. We have fundraising going on right now that you all can make donations as our gifts." Banters crown prince Alexander while looking at everyone seriously. He meant every word he said.