I miss my mother in law :( :(

After some checkup soojin got discharged from the hospital.

~Yong villa~

"Where is that spoiled Bart? Call your dishonest, unfilla & useless sister!" Mrs.Yong scold her son.

"Why are you so angry? Still not responding your call?" Mr.Yong said in mocking tone.

"Shut up! Your children are giving me headache and you got nerve to laugh?" Mr.Yong roared at her husband.

"Ha.... Who told you to challenge my kiddos? Now you're complaining me?"

Hearing her husband excuse Mrs.Yong got more angry. She didn't want to argue with her disheartening husband. She looked at her younger son who was enjoying the drama.

"Did you call or not? Why don't you find some work to do? You ugly pig." Mrs.Yong slap his head.

"Mom, I am most handsome and wanted boyfriend in my university. Girls are crazy for me." Yong min was complaining when his mother interrupt him.

"Shut up or Should I punished you?"

Yong min was too afraid to continue his nonsense. Slowly he nod in agreement.

"MOM!" He screamed his lungs out.


"Sister! How you get wounded?" All of them walk toward the door.

"uh.....I got into small accident." Soojin scratch her head.

"Darling, Are you fine? Should I call doctor? Who did this to you? Tell me dad will make them to beg." Mr.Yong got panicked after seeing her wounded.

"Don't worry. Nothing happened to your daughter." Mrs.Yong groaned.

Mr.Yong sigh helpless infornt his wife. After all she's the lady boss. He looked at his pity daughter.

Mr. Yong and Yong min helped soojin to sit on the sofa.

"Now, tell me Why don't meet your blind date? Where were you?" Mrs.Yong was ready to haunt her prey.

"Mom, How can you be so heartless? Look at your daughter she's wounded all over~sob~"

Soojin start to play pitiful in front her mother. She was too weak to argue with her mother and her father was no use in front of her mother.

"Stop your act!" Mrs.Yong knitted her eyes.

"I'm not acting. It hurts. Do you know they almost killed me?" Soojin was trying to gain her mother trust.

"What did you said? Who want to kill my granddaughter?" Everyone was starled because of sudden voice.

Elder Master Yong was the most respectful person in the country B. He was well-known for his hard work and coldness.

For other people he was cold and heartless. Towards his family he's different. He loved his family most.

Especially, Soojin was the favorite child. She was the first daughter after three generations. For last two generations there were only sons.

Who dare to hurt his lovely granddaughter they were dead meat.

" Grandpa!" Soojin was exclaimed with happiness. Now, she doesn't have to fear with mom.

"Come here and tell me everything." Soojin run toward her grandpa.

Soojin helplessly sighed. She shouldn't start the topic. Now she should confess. After confessing every detail she can breathe in peace.

"Soojin, How can you be so irresponsible? Why do you have to be act like a hero? What would I do if something happened to you?" Mrs.Yong screamed at her daughter.

"Enough! Nothing happened to my granddaughter. For that thugs, I will handle it. Let her to rest first."

Mrs.Yong cursed herself for not being able to protect her daughter.

After seeing her father in law wild behavior, she missed her mother in law.

'I miss mother in law. I can't handle these wild zoombies anymore.' she looked at her family members. She could sigh only and hope her mother in law return fast.