By hook or crook

Soojin was angry and flustered. She didn't know what to do next. She thought that she would asked her blind date to reject her but that person shamelessly refused to reject her.

Soojin keep wondering why he want to marry her. 'Is he fall in love with me?' Soojin look at cafe door.


Kim hae jin was looking at the door. Someone blust the door and walked toward the place where he was sitting.

"Mr.Kim don't you think that you can get more beautiful and sensible woman than me?"

Soojin argued not to return but she had no choice. She can't tell her parents and grandparents that she won't marry . She knows that her family will do emotional blackmailed. All she can do was ask him for help.

"Nope" Kim hae jin said without second thought.

Soojin took her cell phone phone and hand him. "Look at the her. She's sexy,well educated, popular and young. I can fix date with her. If you want I can give you her number. All you need to do is reject to marry me."

Kim hae jin was speechless. She must be first woman who was matchmaking her date with other woman. Kim hae jin looked at her. She was serious about it and she wasn't joking around. But why she didn't want to marry him?

More soojin tried to please him more he got angry and cold. Mr.Kim wants to block her chartering mouth.

"Why you don't want to marry? Only me or anyone?" Kim hae jin said in disappointing tone.

"Uh..... Anyone. I just don't want to marry." Soojin looked down and said in small tone.

Kim hae jin was happy to hear that she don't want to marry anyone. It means he wasn't acception.

"Ms.Yong I'm also on same boat like you. My family also forcing me to marry. I think it'll be hard for us to end this marriage matter." He look at soojin confused face before continuing.

"But I think it's not bad idea to marry you. You indeed beautiful and sexy. My son also like you. How about you consider marrying me."

Soojin choked at his shameless confession. She doubt if he really unwilling to marry. Soojin stand up.

"I appreciate your comment but I will find a way to cancel the marriage." Soojin coldy said before leaving the Cafe.

~Yong villa~

Mother yong and Grandmother yong was discussing about the marriage. They believed that they can make Soojin married. By hook or cook.

"Mom this suit her more with dress." Yong soo show the jewelry design to her mo in law.

Yong hae woo nod in agreement.

"Mom-grandmother Don't you think that everything is fast. Sister just meet him today and she didn't agree to marry." Yong min comment.

"I know her answer it will be 'no' After that what will you do?" Father yong feng study his mother-wife's calm reaction. They must be planning something.

"Look my innocent son and grandson. I know how to presude her. I gave her chance too choose life patner. It's not that I'm against her relationship. I also know that she want time but she's old enough.

In her age I already give birth and you were 10 years. And look at you. Your wife was pregnant with yong min. "Yong hae woo calmly said. Yong feng want to say something. Before he said something someone from behind spokem

" Our time was different. You can't force her. Generations change according to time. " Grand father yong joon made his way to living room.

"I know that you don't want to part away from your granddaughter but it doesn't mean you won't marry her off. You're selfish." Grandma yong hae woo taunt her husband.

"Yes I love her more after all she's my granddaughter. I want her to follow her heart. Unlike you who want her to do something against her will. If she don't want to marry now than it's OK that's her choice." Grandfather Yong joon said.

Grandmother yong hae jin helplessly shook her head. This three men don't want soojin to marry. Maybe they are overprotective Grandfather, Father and brother. Before presude soojin for marriage she need to take care of these stupid punks.

"I know that you love her dearly and so do I. She's my granddaughter afterall. But tell me one thing what will happen if we're dead. There should be someone who care about her." Grandma Yong hae woo pretend to cry.

"OK ok we understand. Now stop crying." Grandfather helplessly said.

~Afternoon soojin return from her date. She was dragging herself to home. She was helpless and hopeless. She did not want to do next.

Butler Wang hyun greet soojin.

"Welcome home miss." He sweetly greet.

Butler Wang hyun was the man who must be on his 60's. He was the person who raised soojin and min. Soojin was gentle and genuine girl. She wasn't spoiled rich bastard. She always respected Butler Wang.

"uncle Wang. Where's devil pair?"soojin disappointly said. Butler find funny when he heard madams names. They indeed devil with bad idea.

" Madan yong and old madam yong must be in the living room with masters. " butler Wang replied before resuming his work.

Soojin made way to living room. She took long breath before interning battle field. 'Soojin you can do it. It will be long war but you can do it.'