Pretending in front of parents

They eat dinner while talking. Soojin didn't forget to put food in little bun time to time. She made sure that he eat a lot.

Mother kim and father kim was happy to see their grandchild happy and cheerful.


After happy dinner time, Old kims' went to their room. They frequently come to meet little bun so, Kim hae jin separately made a room for his parents.

Soojin help little bun to sleep then, She went to her room. She changed into pajamas before jumping on the bed.

Soojin was about to sleep when she heard someone to open the door. She sat up before roaring. "Why are you here?"

"To sleep"

Kim hae jin come home late and as he expect his wife wasn't sleeping in their room. So he went to the room that he asked Butler to clean. 'Their we go.....' she was wide awake and roaring like mad tigress.

"Mr.Kim Don't you have your own room? Do you forget what we talked this morning?" Soojin scold him like teacher telling her student what they did was wrong?

"Yes. I remember every thing but you forgot about my parents? Do you want them to know that their daughter in law isn't sleeping with son?" Kim hae jin pitifully said.

Soojin almost forgot about his parents. They were here and she didn't want to give them them tension."Oh..... Ok but sleep on sofa."

Kim hae jin sigh. He was the most successful person in the country and well known as demon CEO but his wife wasn't giving him any face. Actually

he wasn't worried about his image as demon CEO in fact he was happy that she did not kick him out. But he want to sleep with her on the same bed while cuddling each other.


Following days, Mother kim and father kim lived in 'dream garden' with them. They play, eat and walk. Little bun was happy but little bun's father was more happy than him.

He slept in the same room as soojin but on couch. That wasn't full truth... He indeed slept in the couch but at night he sneak into bed.He hugged soojin and sometimes he kissed her secretly. He wasn't satisfied with seek kisses but he was happy for now.

They even got more time to spend with each other. Sometimes soojin was forced to lovely dovely in front of parents.

"Hae jin Go with shopping with soojin! " Mother kim said.

Kim hae jin eyes lit up after hearing his mother order. He was going to shop the whole market. He will buy everything.

"Mother kim,I think I can buy myself. No need to disturb Mr. Kim" Soojin said while carrying her purse.

Kim hae jin took her purse before commenting. "Mrs.Kim I am happy to help you. Let's go."

Mother kim and father kim was happy to see their affection. They remembered their old times together.

kim hae jin drive to the Civil market. It was 45 minutes far away from the 'Dream garden'.


Both of them were busy on their own thinking. Kim hae jin was happy to get alone time with his wife. He wanted her to talk with him but seeing her silent and ignoring him. He slightly feel bad. He want to poke her but he didn't.

Soojin look out of the window. Her mind was blank and she didn't know how she ended up here. Soojin keep recalling her recent events. She just came back from America. She got name and fame as 'Youngest writer'.

Her family always want her to inherit family business. She had completely master on business and talented on business. She can be successful as businessman but she does not want work like donkey in the office. She want live freely. Work whenever you want and skip whenever you need.

Soojin success to get rid of family business tension but soon she get another headache that's called blind date and marriage. Her mother and grandmother keep forcing her to marry and as a result she ended up marrying him. The biggest Cold-hearted and pervert CEO kim.

While thinking about her situation she only feel bad for herself. 'Ugh..... Maybe this called so called'Destiny ' but Can i really able get rid of him and live my life as I wish with someone i really wish.'