Will you able to forgive me?

Kim hae jin drove to hospital. He already asked his assistant to prepare everything.

As they got at the hospital, Doctors hurriedly checked soojin.

After checkup, The head of the doctor called kim hae jin to his office.

"Doctor lu, How's my wife?Is fine? " Kim hae jin asked.

" Mr.Kim don't worry. She's fine now."

Kim hae jin sigh in relief after hearing doctor saying.

" Why did she faint? Is there anything you're hiding from me? "Kim hae jin asked in enquiry tune.

" Don't worry. Nothing serious. She faint because she saw blood. It might because she reminds her something she should not. In her case remembering her past events is our biggest concern. As we know she lost her some part of her past that might cause trauma. "The more he heard doctors more he got black and sad.

" Don't we have any way to cure it? Maybe medicine or therapy? " kim hae jin worriedly said.

"Soojin didn't have any illness.She lost her money because of getting hard hit on head. So, It doesn't have particular medicine. All we can do is wait. Mr. Kim you have take care more about hee health and make sure she didn't get any shock or see anything she shouldn't. "

" Doctor how about we create same memory and events like past? "Kim hae jin said.

" Mr.Kim it is not any TV show and movies. You got memories back after getting hit again or by seeing things like past. This thing are absolutely crazy and wrong. It might make her health even worse. So... Don't try things like that and make sure you give her some space to keep her mind cool and don't force her to remember anything."

"Okay doc I understand."

After talking with doctor, He made his way to the private ward where soojin was admitted. He opened the door and went to sit next to her.

Kim hae jin pat her head and peak kiss in the lips. He feel heartache seeing her lifeles. She didn't open her eyes for a while.

"Soojin How can you forget about me? Am I that unworthy for you to remember?" Kim hae jin has strong willing powers. He always do what ever he thinks. Kim hae jin was strong enough to fight with world without sighing but he never able to stand against her stubborn

She all can't pushed him to his bottom line. He always ignore her stubborn, hatred and way of pushing him. He takes all the hatred words with smile But he can't stand that she forget everything about him. she forgot the day when they spend together, love between them and the biggest fight between them... Which was the basic reason for her accident.

"Soojin, I am sorry for everything that I have done. Can you ever able to forgive me for my bad sins. Will you still be with me after recollecting your memory? Soojin I'm sorry... So sorry...."